	#   It is recommended to test the script on a local machine for its purpose and effects. 
	#   Endpoint Central will not be responsible for any 
	#   damage/loss to the data/setup based on the behavior of the script.

	#   Description: Script to check if multiple files exist under a given directory path.
	#   Configuration Type - Computer / User
	#	Arguments 
		"C:\Path\To\File1.txt" "D:\Path\To\File2.docx" "E:\Path\To\File3.pdf" 

	#   Note: Based on the provided path (User Based / Computer Based), the operation can be triggered for either the computer or the user, but both actions cannot be performed simultaneously.

# Get all arguments passed to the script
$filesToCheck = $args

# Check if any arguments are passed
if ($filesToCheck.Length -eq 0) {
    Write-Host "No file paths provided."

# Loop through each file and check if it exists
foreach ($filePath in $filesToCheck) {
    if (Test-Path -Path $filePath -PathType Leaf) {
        Write-Host "File '$filePath' exists."
    } else {
        Write-Host "File '$filePath' does not exist."